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Published Books

After The Flames

Available Now!

For Joey Philion, surviving the fire was only the beginning.
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​A fast-paced, compelling narrative that goes far beyond the headlines of a story that made news across Canada and around the world. This story is told from the heart by a family member with keen insight into Joey Philion’s battles.

After The Flames is a fast-paced, compelling narrative that goes far beyond the headlines of a story that made news across Canada and around the world. In After The Flames, we learn of heroism and bravery, and how a family stayed together when the odds were against them. This story is told from the heart, a family member with keen insight into Joey Philion’s battles. Reading, you laugh and cry along with the Philions and Hawkinses — both elements of a great book and great storytelling.

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Thrilling and unsettling, Wedlock will make you think twice about the cost of losing yourself and accepting the ring.
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"Jonathan R. Rose’s feminist fable slices into the reader with the satirical razor of Angela Carter. The novel takes off like a runaway train: you think you know where it’s going but you have to ride it to the end. An enthralling book with serious thought behind it. His dissection of the common masculine conceit that women must be protected is definitive. It’s not about protection, it’s about control. Rose is spot on in this flawlessly told story. Read it and weep for the sad plight of women, men, and marriage."

The Spirit of Laughter

Francisco Roberto Morelos is trapped in a school run by a cruel, sadistic, corrupt principal nicknamed Evil Espinosa, and she has chosen him to perform a Herculean task.
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"I'm always intrigued by somewhat obscure titles. Sometimes plain ones work for their simple power -- "The Road", say -- but in the case of something like "The Spirit of Laughter", part of the intrigue and momentum in cracking the book is discovering exactly what the title refers to. I love that Ah-ha moment."

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You are in a world consumed by chaos. But in this world, you are not a desperate survivor hoping to outlast the bedlam; instead, you are the monster that caused it.
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"Dark & Imaginative

I have never read a book like this before. Our “protagonist” is a monster living in a post-apocalyptic urban setting consumed with an overwhelming desire to feast. The author’s imagery and descriptions throughout the book are excellent. I found myself squirming at the vivid detail the author uses when the monster devours his prey. Yet even though I am squirming, I crave for more just as the monster craves for more flesh. It is a real page turner and I read the entire thing in one sitting."

Gato y Lobo 

Una profesora de literatura nos comparte una historia real que pudo suceder en cualquier escuela… “Gato y Lobo” cuenta la historia de Clara y Ramón, dos personalidades juveniles atrapadas en un mundo incierto, en donde el entusiasmo, la angustia, el misterio y la valentía nos obligan a aprender valiosas lecciones de vida. Escrita de una forma ágil y natural, esta obra de literatura juvenil es una notable oportunidad para formar a nuevos amantes de la lectura. Y al mismo tiempo es una invitación a platicar sobre temas que, en muchas ocasiones, nos resultan difíciles de hablar con adolescentes.

"Cuando me dijeron sobre este libro yo pensé que sería otra historia cursi y ¡wow! Lo leí antes de que lo leyeran mis hijos (hija mayor, hijo menor) porque me gusta saber qué viene en sus libros y me maravillé con la historia. Es una historia muy real y sincera que ellos disfrutaron y terminaron rapidísimo.
¡Totalmente recomendado para adolescentes!"

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